Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 7, 2015

A New Design

Over the last week this space has taken on a very different, and slightly unusual direction, and become more of a lifestyle blog, perhaps more specifically a 'simple lifestyle' blog, with a whole lot of country living thrown in.  Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the country living side of it will feature a lot more as the pathway to owning a farm becomes a lot shorter.  But for now I must satisfy myself with living in a small country town and visiting my parents and my in-laws farms on regular occasions, as well as riding my horse when I can and helping out with our sheep.  We have started lambing (a little earlier than planned!), which is always a lovely time of year, despite the slight stress that goes along with it.  Nothing quite like a woolly wriggly little lamb!

To celebrate the change of direction I have also had a change of design!  What do you think?  I wanted to keep it old fashioned looking, and keeping with the country theme I thought flowers were still appropriate, but I also wanted it to look a lot more simple.  My previous design was starting to make me feel cluttered!  I think the soft yellow is refreshing and the flowers remind me of an old picture out of a 1950s magazine or a children's Little Golden Book!  I have also switched my headings around, where before 'A Country Life' was the sub-heading, I have now made it my main title, with 'Sweet Words Pretty Pictures' below.  I hope you like it.

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