Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 8, 2014

The Drive Home

Spring is springing down here.  Only a few days to go until it is officially not Winter.  Other than our lambs hitting the ground thick and fast to give us a fair hint that the seasons are changing, we are also getting some pretty nice days.  Like today.

My four year old goes to a special kinder on Thursdays down in Warragul, which is a bit over 20kms from home down the highway.  My three year old and I bummed about town for a couple of hours, I had a few things to do, and he insisted that we go for a 'babycino', so we did that too.

After that the three year old demanded we go visit Nana, which is my Mum.  Good idea.  It was a gorgeous day, and since it is her birthday on the weekend, and we had just bought her a present, we thought we would go and stop by for an hour.  They live out on a farm about 15 minutes north of town, so out we popped.

It was a pleasant visit, as usual, my kids went a little ballistic, as per normal, and Mum loved her present (a gorgeous recipe/travel picture/lifestyle type book on all things parents are heading off to France next April....lucky ducks!!)

Anyway, we didn't stay too long, but I was really impressed with the drive home today.  You see it's all 'the back way' when you head home from my folks, and with the weather turning, it really was all rather beautiful.

Gums do look lovely lining the road.  Except you do need to be careful on a windy day...they drop branches like you wouldn't believe.  Actually even on non-windy days they will unexpectedly drop a few here and there.  It's kind of like they decide "hey..I don't need that one no more".  Womp.

See...there's someone's unwanted appendage right there!  And a view of The Baw Baw's. (The mountain range.)
The view towards the Strezlecki's.  (some more hilly bits)
Cracker view of Mount Baw Baw.  There was a little snow left on it, but you can't see it here.  We don't get SNOW like they do in Europe.  No siree.  But people do still get excited about it.  Not me.  I'm not a skier.  Or a snowboarder.  Or a snow bunny.
Continuing on home, I liked this shed and stockyards enough to take a quick snapshot out the window of my car.
I do like this bit of road here.  The Strezlecki's are peeping around the corner.
There's a cute house up on that hill in amongst the trees.  That's a shed to the right.  Probably not so nice to live in.
And I go along a long long long road with a river beside it and lots of reedy things.
And on the other side of that road are cows!  Dairy ones.  They are very curious and really pretty.
Almost home!  This is the view I get just before I drive into my town.  This is also the view that is just up behind my house.  If I drive three minutes south of my house I'm up in those hills and going through some even more beautiful countryside.  I will take you on that journey another day!

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