Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 8, 2014

Shades of Blue

It was a bit of a 'Friday Finds' day today, and I was kind of drawn to the colour blue.  It's so relaxing.  I am enjoying an element of peace today because all of my boys are out of the house; husband off shearing, eldest son at school, the next off at kinder and my youngest boy at day care.  So it's just me and my girl at home.  It was peaceful...until she climbed into her dolly cot and it broke and she got stuck.  Boo!
Anyway, these are the pretties I have to share today...

Ok, this lip balm is seriously the most gorgeous thing I have ever come across.  I have a thing for vanilla.  It's my all time favourite scent.  This would have to be the best vanilla scented anything I have ever had the pleasure of breathing in.  These Lip Macaron balms by Mor come in a variety of 'flavours', but this little lovely is French Vanilla.  It smells exactly like vanilla ice cream...the good stuff.  Or a little like cake batter.  It's divine.  It's really nice on too, and I like how balms are easy just to chuck on anywhere without the aid of a mirror. 
The little cupcake is actually not edible, much to my four year olds despair, but is a bath bomb I picked up for a few dollars in the next town.  It's from Bomb Cosmetics which is in the UK.  With four kids I'm a 'quick shower before bed' kinda gal, but this might be the excuse I need to have a good long soak in the tub!
I'm a sucker for notebooks.  Actually any kind of stationery makes me happy, but this particular notebook came with stickers!  The birds on the front of this one are little Australian Blue Wrens.  The male is the pretty blue one (of off!), and the little brown bird is the female.  They are actually pinging about everywhere at the moment with the onset of Spring.  I say 'ping' because they flit and hop about like nobodies business.  This notebook has a lovely soft fabric cover, with white stitching down the spine, and is made from recycled board and paper.  It comes from The Linen Press which is happily a Carbon Neutral company. 
This nail polish by Natio is the prettiest shade of pale blue.  It's called 'Air'.  I'm always impressed with the names companies come up with for all their different colours.  It's an art form in itself!  My fingernails don't normally see any polish, due to handling kids, sheep and horses, but I like to bling up my toes during the warmer weather when I dust off the sandals.
This moisturiser was a new discovery for me, and handy because I'd just run out of my usual one.  For a change I thought I'd give this a go.  I hadn't heard of Milk & Co but they have a whole range of products.  As the name suggests this moisturiser is nice and light, but once rubbed on it feels a little thicker, which I like because I feel my slightly older skin needs a bit more moisture than it once did.  It has a light floral scent too, which is nice for a change.  Only thing, it doesn't have a sunscreen in it, which I do like in a moisturiser as it cuts out a step in my morning beauty routine. 
I hope you enjoy these few Friday finds!

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