Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 9, 2014

The Best Spring Day

I follow a lot of lovely blogs where the bloggers are currently enjoying that spectacular time of year where the weather starts to cool, the leaves turn a myriad of reds, oranges and browns, and they can pull out the dark lipstick again!  I, on the other hand, reside in the Southern Hemisphere, and Spring has well and truly made an appearance.  This is one of my favourite views, which our sheep and newborn lambs are currently enjoying.
For some reason I am always surprised (and even a little alarmed) when the first buds of blossom come out, as well as the daffodils that pop up all along the roadside.  They never wait for the official start of Spring, and start to show their faces when there is still quite a few weeks of Winter left.  I'm always left feeling a bit..."What the??"  But nevertheless, it is lovely and extremely cheerful!
This gorgeous tree is in my mother in-law's garden at their farm.  It's quite spectacular because it has blooms in two different colours!  Like it can't quite make up it's mind.
Yesterday turned into a perfect Sunday.  We had another set of triplets (our ewes that is...not me!) now we have a total of six sets!  Considering we have never had triplets this is crazy!  We are getting towards the end of our lambing now and it will be interesting to see what the final head count is.
I took out my horse, and surprisingly, she behaved herself.  Although she did tease my brother in-law's horse somewhat while we were wandering past his paddock, and next minute Jack is trying to climb over the fence...then he has his leg stuck in the fence...then he's pulling on it and next thing the fence is down and Jack is jogging along beside us down the road.  A quick phone call to my brother in-law and we pushed Jack up into his driveway, but still...I don't like too much excitement when I'm on my not-so-trustworthy stead.
This is my shadow riding up the road...
So far the only photos I have of myself on my horse are those taken by me...and it seems I only consist of a shadowy figure whilst riding.  Perhaps I'm breaking into new Superhero territory here?  Tomorrow (which is Tuesday) my best mate is coming down and we are taking the horses out together so I will get a photo taken of myself I think.  Just to prove I really did it.  And that I actually exist.  Note...I'm always the one with the camera at family functions so I am hardly ever in photos.  I know my kids are going to look back on our lives and wonder where the hell I was and what I looked like!
So far I am yet to get a good photo of my horse, which is terrible really since I work as a photographer for a living, but one day. 
I hope everyone had lovely weekends and managed to be photographed!


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