Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 9, 2014

How to Make Up Like a Busy Mum

Makeup and I go through phases.  I wear it for a while and then I don't wear it for ages.  It gets all too hard because I'm last in the line when it comes to getting ready in the morning.  You know how it is...making sure the four year old is wearing pants, dressing the three year old because he's too stubborn to do it himself, checking the eleven year old has brushed his teeth, organising my little girl....the list goes on.
Lately, however, I've tried to put a bit more effort into myself, because...well...I've reached middle-age (which is alarming...where did that time go?) and having a much younger husband I want to stay looking as nice as I can for as long as humanly possible. 
So....this has lead to me being able to slap on a bit of makeup in the minimal amount of time, AND in such a way that I'm pretty sure my husband doesn't think I'm wearing it.  Then of course, maybe he just never really notices what I look like anyway (?!!)  (I certainly hope not.)
Probably one of the biggest tips my Mum ever passed on to me was to moisturise my face everyday.  This is a habit she instilled in me when I was fourteen and I have been doing it everyday ever since.  So this is always the start of my routine.  The other thing that has been a habit more recently is my love affair with eye creams and the old 'anti-wrinkle'.  For those of you who are in your 20s and hate the odd spot and blemish just focus for a second on the lovely smooth skin under your eyes and savour this loveliness.  Wrinkles under your eyes are such a bummer.  Slightly unavoidable, but nevertheless the bane of my existence.  My advice...wear sunscreen everyday without fail and wear sunglasses!! (I need to listen to this second piece of advice!)
Anyway, so here goes with my 'Busy Mum Makeup Routine'. 
So, here's my trusty Nivea Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream.  On the packaging it stated that if my wrinkles hadn't improved in four weeks I get my money back.  I've been using this for about a week, along with the Nivea Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream, and I tell you what...I've noticed a big difference.  I'm in love with these two products.  I am also back using this one...
The Nivea Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream with SPF 30+.  Two big 'Hip-Hoorays' for me here..the Anti-Wrinkle bit again (sounds like a favourite old Auntie Wrinkle), and the sun protection.  I was using this when I first met my husband about 6 years ago.  (Maybe this was why he thought I was 25 when I was in fact 34?)  Don't know why I stopped really.  It's the bomb.
I'm not really a fan of foundation.  I think the whole pancake thick, slap-on-with-a-shovel look is pretty ghastly.  I hardly ever wear it..only when I go out somewhere flash, which is once in a blue moon, so basically never.  Then they invented BB creams!  I started using this one a couple of years ago, then stopped because I forgot to, and now I'm back on it.  This L'Oreal Nude Magique BB Cream comes out sort of a grainy white, but turns to a foundation colour on your skin.  It's so light and I don't apply a thick layer at all.  I just use it to conceal the extra nasty bits.
Ooo..then I discovered that they did a blush too.  This L'Oreal Nude Magique BB Blush in Universal Rosy blobs out like a bright pink gel...and you go "Whoa...I'm not wearing my clown outfit today.." but then when you dab it on and rub it in the after effect is very natural.  It was expensive for such a little tube ($25) but you only need the tiniest little amount, which I smear between two fingers and use on both cheeks.
Note...I was actually doing my makeup while I was taking these photos...pausing between each step to snap a picture.  Then suddenly this starts going on.

This is pretty standard when you are a Mum...
Then I pull out the big guns and have a play with the new eye shadow palette that I bought, the Two Faced Chocolate Bar, which I reviewed here.  I use three colours, the White Chocolate all over my lid up to the brow bone, the Marzipan over my lid and blend in a bit of darker Haute Chocolate on the rim of my lid and in the corners.  The left side of this palette are all day time shades, whereas the right side has a bit of brighter pink (Strawberry Bon Bon) and mauve (Candied Violet) for night time looks.  Hopefully I will get taken out on a 'date night' sometime soon and I can try these out!
Then it's mascara...
I've been using the Maybelline Great Lash mascara for years.  A bit boring and there are probably some fantastic ones out there but this is cheap, I can get it when I'm shopping for nappies and other boring bits, and if it 'ain't broke why fix it?'  It works fine.
Then it's one more sneaky secret squirrel product...
This Nanoblur stuff is great.  It goes on top of everything else to help correct those eye wrinkles.  My sister in-law put me on to this.  It's fabulous. 
Today I gave my new Dusty Girls Lip Shine a go, (see the review here.)  I'm really happy with this. Nice and natural looking and a hint of pink which is lovely for Spring.

Errghh..ignore my horrible thumb nail.  Pretty sure it's farm dirt or sheep or horse...
So this is my finished look (and please don't laugh...I take a terrible selfie)
Not sure what I was looking at here.... out the window and hoping to escape??
Of course while I was taking the 5 minutes to put all that on (yes, you have to be quick) boys were doing this....

Excellent..... They're like the ocean.  Never turn your back on them.

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