Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 9, 2014

Riding With My Bestie

It was another glorious day yesterday, so taking advantage of the perfect Spring weather I invited my bestest best friend from school down for a ride. 
Megs and I have one of those lovely friendships where even if we don't see each other for awhile when we do manage to catch up it's like we've never been apart.  Which is kind of handy since she spent the best part of about 10 years working on yachts overseas.  Lucky girl!  This is her on Sabre, my husband's horse...which he actually refers to now as 'Meaghan's horse', since this is the third time we have gone out for a ride like this. 
She lives an hour and a half away so it's a semi-regular sort of thing.  I dropped the kids off at my Mum's and escaped for a good three hours!
For the first time I got a couple of photos of me actually on my horse!  See...I'm not just a shadowy figure as I was here. 
We had a marvellous time.  We clip clopped up and down the roads.  We stopped and let ourselves through the top gate into the far back paddock.  Then we wandered on through our sheep with all their sweet lambs, scattering them as we went (unintentionally), and had a good canter up and over the hills.  We also trudged through a few good boggy bits, slushed through a big bit of water and had to convince the horses to navigate a narrow bridge. ( Megs had to get off Sabre to convince him first and then Ruby followed)
All in all a great ride.  And no one was thrown off!  Not like me the last time we went out together!  Now that was a fun day.....
This was taken as we were coming into the front gate on the way home.  Here I am going down the driveway...
This is, of course, always the horse's favourite part of the ride. 
After getting all their gear off, and a quick brush down, we loaded ourselves up with carrots (which I have a massive bag of in the back of my car for such 'horse related emergencies') and we let them go in the paddock.
I always love their first reaction...
Silly horse!  Not really her best angle...
Here I think she is either trying to gain her balance back or she is wondering if she completely mucked up her mane and does she need to fix her 'do'.
Maybe not.  She then went to check on Sabre....

"I reckon I'm right buggered Ruby..."




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