Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 1, 2014

Infestation and Hope

The word infestation doesn't bode well.  It could mean any number of things that are plaguing your life at any one time but for me, at the moment, it's head lice.  Ergh.  Of course it came home from school, hitching a ride on my eldest son's head, and he has been scratching like a dog with a persistent flea for weeks.  I've treated him 4 times already, and hopefully this 5th treatment today, is the charm.  Now that school holidays are here, and all three boys are constantly together, I've had to treat the two younger boys as well.  So far I've been spared.  How annoying are head lice?  And how hard are they to get ride of??!! 

Anyway, with a little bit of luck, and a whole day of washing sheets, pillow cases and doona covers, I might finally be rid of them.

And then I can relax a little...

Well...maybe only a little.  You can't really relax around your kids.  I mean you wouldn't turn your back on the ocean now would you?
Well..maybe my 2 year old did in this photo..but...normally no.

I ran into some old friends in Morwell the other day while I was buying as many pairs of underwear that I could lay my hands on for my two younger boys.  Actually I worked for them a few years ago, a lovely couple.  I worked on their farm for a while after the Black Saturday fires destroyed the farm I was managing.  The fellow had complete trust in me, which was refreshing.  He quickly showed me how to use his John Deere tractor and then left me to it.  This involved driving and reversing down narrow laneways, using the forks on the front of the tractor, attaching the feeder (which feeds out the round bales of hay), and chugging around the paddock distributing hay to his cows.  Very different to the creepy old guy I worked for in Barham in NSW who didn't let me do anything, other than be something to peerve on and occasionally grope.  Nasty.

Anyway, Nice John Deere Tractor guy mentioned the other day that, as he works at a rural TAFE (the same one where I did my certificate and diploma in Agriculture), sometimes he has farmers coming to him looking for workers.  He asked if I was looking for work.  Ummmm...ABSOLUTELY!!   Well, I wasn't but I told him I would love some work on a farm again, that something outdoors and with animals would be fantastic. 

Reading back over my last miserable and frustrated post perhaps this wasn't just a chance meeting at all.  Perhaps there is a thing called fate and I could (hopefully) fall back into a job that would break the monotony, even if it was only one or two days a week.

I think that's what everyone needs, don't you?  A change really is as good as a holiday and if you don't have something to look forward to it is hard to keep going and find anything good about the everyday.  It would also be nice to have some way to save up to buy myself another horse.  Not that my current horse isn't great, it's just that she's not so current being deceased and all and that makes her a little difficult to ride.  I feel like my 8 year old self again....dreaming of a pony...

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