Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 4, 2014

A New Writing and Photography Job

I haven't been here for a while, been a little side tracked.  I'm pleased to say that I have a new job writing and taking photographs for a magazine.  It's called 'Gippsland, The Lifestyle' and it was one of those jobs that I got entirely by chance.  Thanks to my Dad, and his skills in making small talk, I was put onto the editor of the magazine who not only needed a new writer, but also one with experience in agriculture.  I have just been handed my dream job.

When I was a teenager and started reading such rubbish as 'Dolly' magazine, I have always been a bit fascinated by magazines.  As an adult my favourite by far is 'Country Style', which I have bought every month since about the year 2000, and which I know subscribe too.  Naturally I was over the moon when I had an article published in their mag in the Jan/Feb edition of 2005.

'Gippsland, The Lifestyle' is published quarterly and in the upcoming Winter edition I will have three articles, along with my photos, as well as a wedding dress photo shoot...which hopefully I'm doing this weekend if the weather holds out!  For the Spring edition I've been given 40 pages that are all mine to fill with ten different articles on all things related to agriculture, along with photos to go with them.  I'm having the time of my life with it!!  I get to get out of the house and go to lots of different places, have a break from the kids, write articles and take photos that will be published (that I will get paid for!) and meet lots of interesting people.  For example, on Easter Sunday I had to go to the Warragul Harness Racing to cover a story for the Winter edition.  I got to ride on the mobile starter gate (so on the back of the ute that carries the big metal gates that the horses run behind before the start of the race), and take photos from there.  What an experience!!  I nearly fell out but I got some awesome photos!


It was worth almost falling out!
I'm hoping to pick up more photography work once my photos get out there, especially after this wedding dress photo shoot.  So far I've done a story on The Old Butter Factory in Drouin which houses the Red Fox Café (a restaurant, cafe, bar and gallery), and two days ago I went out to harass my husband at work while he was shearing and take photos of them at work.  Doing a shearing story as part of my agricultural spread for the Spring edition.  I've also covered a story on a woman who runs a herd of Murray Grey beef cattle where she sells her beef at Farmers Markets, and next week I have to go and interview the manager of the harness racing school in Warragul. 
It's nice to feel useful for a change....

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