Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 9, 2014

What Is In My Bag

Actually that's a good question because half the time I don't even know what is in my bag.  Having read quite a few posts from fellow bloggers who dissect their handbags for us, I thought I would show you into the depths of my nappy bag...basically whether you are interested or not (!) 
Pre-babies I never carried a handbag.  I'm a 'wallet-in-the-back-pocket' kinda gal, and I squish my mobile phone in the front pocket of  my jeans.  I always have pockets (I always wear jeans), so never have to worry about a bag. 
Post-babies and I'm stuck with a nappy bag, because you just can't wrangle a sea of children without one.  Trust me...once they have got past the 'I-need-nappies-wipes-changes-of-clothes-hats-toys-etc' I'm going right back to that 'wallet/mobile phone-in-the-jeans-pocket' combination.  Too many hypens??  Perhaps.
So...this is my bag..
It's quite big!  Understandably.  It's also real leather and it was a treat to myself for my birthday last year.  It's from Isle of Charlie, which is a great website and I ordered it online.  I figured that with four kids (and three of them being under school age) I was going to get a lot of mileage out of this bag.   I tossed up between a gorgeous soft blue version, but then figured I'd get sick of it so went for the camel coloured.  I wonder if camels appreciate having bag colours named after them? Hmmmm....
Inside you will find terribly boring things like...
Ok, so there are nowhere near as many nappies in my bag as there used to be.  At one stage I had three in nappies.  It was fabulous.  Not really.
Wipes.  Possibly THE most handy invention.  EVER.  Seriously.  As well as wiping little bottoms they do noses, faces, hands, shoes, benches, bathrooms, toilets.....the list goes on.  I'm always covered in sticky finger stains from my kids and I'm often found scrubbing at my jeans during the last minute dash to head out the door with a bunch of wipes.  Buy some.  You will thank me.
We're getting out of hat weather really but as it is Spring it is weird and crazy and everywhere so the hat still makes an appearance.  Love the bobbly bits that hang down.  Gives my daughter something to chew on.
These rescue pastilles are awesome.  I keep some by my bed too.  I have the odd panic attack here and there, not ashamed to admit, and these are great.  I don't usually need to resort to these during the day, only at night sometimes, but it's handy having them in my bag just in case.
This is a little plastic container.  How cute is it?!  Currently there is nothing in it but I usually carry emergency snacks in here....biscuits, fruit...chocolate....tranquillisers.
I have done a Moo Goo review here.  This is an all purpose moisturiser that is really handy, has a sort of marshmallow-ey kind of fragrance and occasionally I will use it as a nappy balm.  Love it.
Yep..cute squirrel purse which is empty.  No idea why it is there.
Gorgeous pair of designer sunglasses by Ralph Lauren that I have hardly worn.  Got them a couple of years ago.  Mum picked them up for me when she was on holidays with my sister and her family.  They were in Italy!  Exciting!  And it took me ages to pay her back....I'm terrible.  I need to wear them more this year because the sun is really harsh here in Australia and I have wrinkles under my eyes from too much squinting.  Most likely from when I worked as a farm hand on various farms.  Hence my love for anti-wrinkle eye cream.
There is also usually my wallet but it is a bit of a disgrace and while taking these photos it had gone missing, thanks to my kids.  However, it is brown leather and is from R.M. Williams, which is an iconic Australian brand.  When I met my husband he had exactly the same wallet.  It was kooky.  I generally live in my R.M. Williams boots, but at the moment they have holes in the soles and let in water.  Otherwise they are the best.  (The boots aren't in my bag by the we are talking about what is in my bag...but once I get on to the topic of my boots.....!  Enough Amber, shut up about the boots!!).
So that's about it really, other than the bits of fluff and the odd Matchbox car that I find, and random coins floating around the bottom. 
What exciting things have you got in your bag?

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