Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 9, 2014

Weekly Retail Therapy

It is not very often that I indulge in a bit of retail therapy.  For some reason, this week, I have almost over indulged.  It's been heavenly!
There were a couple of long overdue MAJOR purchases that just had to be made.  The first of these is pretty boring really, but totally necessary.  I had to buy a new washing machine because my current washing machine damaged itself whilst trying to escape.  No really.  I came home one day to find my washing machine in the middle of the laundry room.  This is not where it started out when I left, leaving it doing a load for me while I was out.  Somehow it had managed to shuffle itself out from it's little niche next to the bench, it then turned a corner, and it walked itself literally half way across the room.  The only thing that stopped it from escaping (I am assuming it was trying to run away to join the circus), was the fact that it was plugged in at the wall.  One little minor detail and it's freedom was foiled.
Anyway, it is being delivered on Wednesday and I am very excited because I am sick of having to mop up the giant puddle of water after I do a load.
The other major MAJOR purchase which I am highly excited about is my new camera!! 
Now I have had my old DSLR for almost 10 years and it has served me well.  But it is getting a little dated, and if the truth be told, it's actually a little broken...
So I have updated and gone with this....
.....the Canon 70D.  (Clap hands with glee and jump up and down.)
I am sooooo excited about this because not only is it a whizz bang camera but it is also a VIDEO CAMERA!!  I'm freaking out!  And it has a huge LCD screen (my old one was teeny tiny, not LCD, and when I viewed my images I could hardly see them because a) they were so little and b) I'm long sighted and getting older and my eyes are no longer what they were.)  This LCD screen is also a TOUCH SCREEN!!!  Sorry for screaming but I'm a wee bit excited!!  Anyway, I finally got it after lusting after it for about 6 months after I decided that since I work as a photographer for a magazine I had better get me a better camera.
Ok, enough of the camera. 
This week I also ventured out (with the kids, which is brave) to Traralgon, which is a town a bit further East from where I live.  I have never 'done the shops' here.  I don't know why because there is an awful lot of shops and they are really quite good.  These were my purchases...
This T-shirt was from Jeans West, which is a fairly low priced kind of store, but I liked this happy floral print.  I'm not big on the geometric designs that are around at the moment.  In fact I hate them, but I am pleased to see that pretty floral bits are drifting in so I thought I would make the most of it.
My other purchase was a little more pricey...
These boots were $219 but as they were Winter stock I got them at half price!!  I plan on wearing these with skirts, and maybe dresses if I'm brave enough to put one on this Spring/Summer.
Earlier this week I also bought another pair of shoes....
Everybody collectively go "Awwww....."  Cute hey?!  These are my daughter's very first pair of shoes.  Just last week she has started walking everywhere properly, and even though she is pretty unsteady still, I decided that a pair of shoes is a good idea since we do go out to the farm a lot and now I can put her down outside.  She was so funny the first time we put them on her.  I really wished I had filmed it.  I guess now, with my new camera, I can!!  (sorry...I wasn't going to mention my new obsession again now was I.)
The final thing I got this week was actually another large purchase, although this was something I have had on layby for eons, so it was great to finally pick it up.'s a blender.  But not just any blender....a KitchenAid blender!  A bit boring I know but it is sort of exciting.  I mean now I can make milkshakes and cocktails (just in case by some strange chance we ever happen to have a party), and come Winter I can do soups!  It has quite a few different functions, which I am still yet to try out, but I if I do happen to have that cocktail night I will share some of my creations. But in the meantime it will sit in my laundry (the only place there is room for it) and most likely gather a bit of dust (like all electrical appliances do!).
What exciting purchase did you make this week?


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