Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 9, 2014

Blogging Home Office

One thing I have learnt about blogging is that you really need your own space.  To be more organised, to get into a routine and, more importantly, to approach it in a professional manner, you really need to set aside an area that is just for you.
I used to have a spare room that was my office.  A whole room!  But now it's taken up by my 13 month old daughter (which is actually better), so now I have a little corner of the lounge room that I call my own.

It still works.  Having ditched the desktop computer a few years ago, (it certainly would not have fit on THIS desk!), I can now plonk myself anywhere.  Sometimes I do take the computer down to my bedroom and work from the cosiness of my bed in front of the television in the evenings...which is usually when my husbands is either a) away shearing or b) out hunting foxes.    But most of the time I sit here.
Yes...literally right here.  I'm short, so I need the pillow for height issues not just for decorative purposes.
I also can not write without a cup of tea beside me.  I don't drink coffee at all but drink copious amounts of tea...which is probably just as bad. 
I also use my procrastinating time to put on new favourite Lanolips Intense Hand Balm...which I blogged about here, and then I get stuck into the lip balm...flavour varies depending on my mood.  Often it's my French Vanilla Mor Lip Macaron (love this) or the Lanolips Lemonaid Lip Aid.  Delicious. 
I've gotten side tracked.
Having a tidy desk helps, which is partly why I have such a small it won't get messy in the first place.  Importantly, having a space where I can put my things and my children know that they will get on my grumpy side if they touch anything that resides here.  Probably the single most vital part of having my own desk!
The drawers are stuffed full of random 'things', mostly bits and bobs I use when I go out and do interviews for my magazine job, and also a whole lot of receipts for things that I hope to claim when I do my tax.  There is also the odd bit of makeup or other beauty products that I am about to blog about and there are about ten different notebooks, some used some not.  Mostly not.  I have a thing for stationery.
What does your blogging space look like?



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