Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 9, 2014

Montana West Handbag

I've been loving my new handbag.  But then who doesn't love a new handbag?!  I haven't had a new one in a while, although I'm not counting the gi-normous nappy bag I got for my birthday at the start of last year....which just isn't the same...something that is going to hold mountains of wipes and nappies and bottles and random toys is hardly glamorous.
This bag is very glamorous. 
I had no intention of buying it actually, and I wasn't sure about the whole fringe thing, but then it really grew on me.  I had wandered into my favourite country clothing store, Gippsland Country Outfitters, and there was this gorgeous bag plus another one that was way more 'blingy'.   Wandering around the store, admiring all the shirts and trying on a few gorgeous Wrangler jeans, I still kept being drawn back to these bags. 
I'm sorry...but I just couldn't help myself!  I ummed and ahhed between the two but decided that the 'bling' was just too much 'bling' for me (since I'm not very 'blingy' at all), and even though it was beautiful, I went the safer option and chose this one.  My logic was that I might end up being too scared to use the one with the 'bling' and it would live it's days out 'blinging' away quietly to itself in my wardrobe.  Can I say 'bling' one more time??  .....'bling'.
So, giving my new bag, and my new camera a run, I went out and took some shots....(and learned how to use the timer on my camera).
Why am I always so serious in selfies??
I think probably because I feel a little ridiculous taking photos of myself....
These are a pair of favourite jeans by Ariat by the way.  I love the red, cream and yellow stitching detail on the back pockets.  My shirt is one I've had for years and is by Wrangler.  I'm wearing it open over a white singlet I picked up for $3 from Kmart.  My cowboy boots are Ariats.  I love my boots and wear them almost every day. 
I think here I was checking that the kids hadn't run away.
I really like the silver details on the bag.  On the reverse it also has a handy zip pocket, plus it has a smaller pocket to fit your mobile phone.  This doesn't have a zip, but you want quick access to your phone anyway.  I know I do because I'm clumsy and have trouble answering a touch screen.  I'm such a doofus. 

You can visit Montana West here and drool over their range of gorgeous bags, wallets, accessories, home décor and apparel.  What a pity (for my husband) that I discovered this website......
Any hoo...  here is a close up of my makeup if you are interested..
Oooo...I look so grumpy!  I think I might have had to yell at the kids just before I took this one.  They were throwing their toys out the car window.  My eye shadow is from my lovely Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette that I have already mentioned in a previous post and my lipstick is by Cowgirl Dirt and is the colour 'Tea Rose'.

I took these photos just south of my town.  We took a drive around a few back roads to find a nice secluded quiet spot.  On the way home I took this shot.
This is the view North and the hazy mountains in the background are the Baw Baw's.  The town nestled in the groove there is where I live!  Pretty sweet hey?!

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