Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 8, 2014

Three Sisters Bake

Continuing on with my current obsession with pretty things from the UK I have been lusting after this new recipe book for a while.  As the name suggests it is written by three sisters, and they have a café called 'Three Sisters Bake' in Quarriers Village, which is in the Scottish countryside.  After lusting after the recipe book I am now longing to go visit them and buy their tasty delights directly from them, rather than make them myself. 

Since a holiday to Scotland is not really on the cards right now I will just have to make do with some home baking.

So today I got all inspired and gave one of their recipes a try.  I must admit, I did start with the most simple. 

'Chocolate Splodge' is the most decadent slice I have EVER made.  I only did half quantities, because I didn't buy enough plain biscuits, but what I have was plenty.  Mine came out a little thicker because I used a smaller time I will use a bigger one...but I am pretty confident this hasn't affected the taste.  It is goop-a-licious. 

It was one of those fun recipes that require you to get violent with your biscuits.  Crush, crush, crush...

And then you need to weigh up your commitment to your diet or your love of butter melted with chocolate...

Then you add the raisons, convincing yourself at this point that, yes, this slice is actually healthy.

Mix.  Mix.  Mix.  See!  I'm even getting a workout while I'm stirring.  It is most certainly healthy and fat burning.

After you squish it all in a tray, then have it set in the fridge for a while, you then set about making the topping, which is just melted milk chocolate that is drizzled all over the top until it completely covers it, sealing in the fact that you have just made chocolatety bars of children exploding material. 

It is divine.  There is no other word for it.  The raisins give it that lovely chewy texture that makes it just that extra bit special and the crunchy biscuit ensures that you make a sufficient mess to show that you really enjoyed it. 

Thank you, Three Sisters Bake (Gillian, Nichola and Linsey Reith).  I look forward to indulging in your other scrumptious recipes.

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