Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 8, 2014

Moo Goo Review

Moo Goo, one of my favourite ranges of skincare.  I love everything about them; their use of 'people' friendly ingredients, the fact they are Australian made and owned and they have cows on all their packaging!  What more could you want!?!  They also have some very clever names for their products, such as Cow Lick Lip Balm, Tail Swat Body Spray (which is an insect repellent) and Mudder Udder Balm (for breastfeeding mothers).
The company itself came from small beginnings, starting with one simple product, the Skim Milk Udder Cream (which is a fantastic all purpose moisturiser).  Apparently the founder took a cream used on dairy farms, that was used to heal cow's udders, and adapted it to help a member of their family with a skin problem.  The cream they use on dairy farms is incredibly healing, but too greasy for human use, so it was changed...keeping the healing properties and removing the grease.
This was one of the first Moo Goo Products I came across and I love it.  I use it as a hand cream, and sometimes on my face, especially if I am going away and just want to take one tube of cream that will do many things.  As well as the gorgeous fragrance (kind of marshmallow-y), I particularly liked the 'Directions' for use they originally had on the back of the tube....
"Wash udder and teat parts thoroughly before each milking to avoid contamination of milk.
Apply udder cream to the udder after each milking, massaging into the skin......"
It was great, very tongue in cheek.  The outside blerb on the tube is a bit different now but the product is still its same fantastic self.
I now keep a number of their products on hand including:
Milk Wash
This can be used for the body or face and is a combination of six natural cleansers.  Personally I use it for my face and use the Fresh Milk Cleansing Bar everywhere else, but sometimes I will wash all over with it, first squirting a little on a bath lily and soaping it up a bit.  It's not overly foamy like normal soap, and it doesn't dry out your skin like soap can.  This is why I love it for my face.

Milk Shampoo
I'm using this on my children at the moment, my one year old daughter included.  So far none of them have complained or cried about getting stingy shampoo in their eyes, which is great.  It smells lovely and the conditioner is really nice too.
Nappy Balm
This is great, and has been tested on the developers own babies, so you can have every confidence that it is going to be fine for your own little one.  My little girl is quite fair and easily gets a little red bottom.  This has a nice soft consistency and smooths on really easily.  Some nappy creams are a bit sticky and seem to pull on the skin as you put it on, which I think hurts your baby even more, which is not good when they have really bad nappy rash.  This is the best nappy balm I have come across.  It is also ok if she happens to put it in her mouth because there is nothing harmful in it, nor is there any nut oils (just in case of nut allergies).
Cow Lick Lip Balm
Great little tube of lip balm that easily fits in your jeans pocket.  It's easy to always have on me even when I'm out and about on the farm.  When I worked full time as a farmhand I always had a tube of this on me since I was constantly exposed to the elements.  There are no chemicals, which is great since you generally end up digesting a portion of your lip balm (!) and it is fragranced with Mandarin Essential Oil.
Fresh Milk Cleansing Bar - Fresh Buttermilk
This is like an old fashioned piece of soap, nice and big, and they are made with fresh milk.  They last for ages, longer than any other soap I have used.
The range is not overly pricey and they are available in store or online.  My local chemist stocks it (after I showed them a brochure about three years they ordered it in and have been stocking it ever since!), but you can buy it easily in major chemists and health food stores.

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