Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 12, 2013

Domestic Goddess

Ok, so I'm not much of a Domestic Goddess, and I'm certainly not like that Australian movie about the Domestic Goddess that sings to her webcam and posts it all over the Internet.  I suppose I could, I mean I can sing, at least I used to be able to, what with all the classical singing lessons my parents paid for.  Anyway...getting off topic.

I'm certainly not brilliant at cleaning.  Actually, like most people I hate it.  I do it only because I have to and even then it's not without complaint.  I find it hard to get to in reality.  I spend all day every day trailing after my 4 year old and 2 year old who leave a whirlwind of destruction whether they go, so as I have to constantly clean up after them I never usually get to the ACTUAL cleaning doing the bathrooms or re-organising my linen press...which desperately needs to be done.

My form of Domestic Goddess lately has been cooking.  I've decided to win my husband's favour through his stomach.  As a shearer he needs to eat a lot.  He burns a lot of energy.  He's also quite tall and gangly (in a nice way) and practically burns up his food as soon as he forks it into his mouth.  Truly.

Yesterday I made mayonnaise.  Yes!  Never made it before so I was excited.  I also made potato salad so hubby could take it to work.  Potatoes.  Good energy food.

I also made him a slice to take for smoko.  Weetbix slice, which was my Nan's recipe.  Here it is.

There is an awful lot of butter in that base.  My heart is palpitating just thinking about it.  I'll try not to eat too much of it.  It is, however, delicious. 
I also made a Chocolate Mousse..which is actually called Chocolate Fluff and is a recipe of my Mum's that is my all time favourite and she used to make it for me every year on my birthday.  Now I just make it for myself on my Un-Birthday, which accordingly to the Mad Hatter from 'Alice in Wonderland' is every other day.  Yay!!
How weird, my 4 year old just put that DVD on.  Looks like the Chocolate Fluff was meant to be.  Here's a picture.

It wasn't quite set last night so we've having it for dessert tonight.  My hubby was shearing this morning, despite being a Saturday, and has just rung to inform me that he is going swimming in the Thompson River.  Lucky him.  Lucky me shall be stuck at home in a house without an air conditioner and will eat all the Chocolate Mousse myself as I can only assume he will be home late!

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